11 December 2006

Kofi Krazy

Kofi is a well known critic of the war in Iraq and he will take any opportunity he can to criticize the Bush Administration. The following is just my opinion but Kofi's anger probably stems from the fact that Bush has proved how useless the U.N. is. During the twelve years U.N. weapons inspectors were in Iraq the Security Council shot Saddam with 16 sanctions, all of which, did nothing. Also there were informants working within the groups that would tip Saddam off to which loacations inspectors would be searching next. Bush took matters into his own hands and showing that initiative sometimes has to be taken on by other nations rather than an ineffective bureaucracy. Also I want you to remember that the United Nations has no legal bearing on the United States political system. There are no provisions in the Constitution that give power to an international body to influence American politcal decisions. Just look to Washington's farewell address.

Kofi Krazy

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