23 April 2007


I returned from France two days before the 1st Round Election. Now we all know that it will be Sarkozy, who leans right and Royale, more socialist, who will grapple for the position of President of France. The final two weeks between the 1st Round Election and the Final Election are considered the most campaign intensive weeks. Candidates will begin to tackle the issues in a more...precise way, as opposed to the general ambiguities of pre-1st round election campaigning. Either way the election goes, there will be with out a doubt major changes for France. So stay tuned...

As for American politics there is some movement but nothing that out of the ordinary. McCain delivered a rousing speech regarding Iraq which brings to mind an old Henry Clay quote, "I'd rather be right than be President." If a Republican aside from McCain takes the White House they should seriously consider the Senior Senator from Arizona for Secretary of State. Fred Thompson announced his non hodgkins lymphoma. Could possibly be clearing the path to the White House, a pre-emptive strike if you will. Hillary is from the deep-south again. And more and more Democrats are making nice with that lovable racist Al Sharpton....

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